master life science sales skills to close more deals and make more money

Whether you're a scientist who fell into sales or you've been in sales for years, you could be "one skill away" from consistently exceeding quota and making more money than you dreamed of. Learn the skills of the top life science sales reps for only $19 a month.

Salespeople growing their skills at companies like:
AriseHealth logoOE logo2020INC logoToogether logoToogether logoThe Paak logoEphicient logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logo

When You Join Succession You'll Get Immediate Access To

1: 100+ hours of on-demand and live life science sales training

This isn't your normal sales training done by a consultant who doesn't know the industry and hasn't sold in 20 years.You get live and on-demand training from the best biotech sales reps in the industry with the techniques they use right now to exceed their quota.Master life science selling from the best reps out there.

All New Courses


Live Workshops


Bite Sized


Life Science Specific

2: Resource library filled with templates, cheat sheets, and sales tactics

Need a territory plan template? Want the perfect email template? How about the right discovery questions to drive urgency? Or maybe you want a bite sized sales tactic you can implement right away? That's all jam packed into the resource library where you can quickly find exactly what you need no matter what part of the sales process your're in.

Email Templates

Account Plans

Negotiation Tips



Closing Plans

1:1 Documents

Deal Review Templates

And a Whole Lot More

3: Online community of other life science sales reps

Leverage the combined experience and wisdom of the entire community. Get your toughest questions answered by some of the top sales talent. We have everyone from CCOs and CVPs of sales to new reps just starting in sales. Why spend hours trying to grow your network when you can tap into one that already exists.

Engaged Community

Gamification and Prizes

Weekly Skill Up Sessions

Discussion Forums

Share Your Wins

Learn About AI

Network With Peers

Find a Mentor

Find a Mentnee

Join Our Book Club

What are people saying?

Summary of Everything You get

Life Science Sales Training

You get access to ALL on-demand courses & every new course we release.

This isn't your normal sales training done by a consultant who doesn't know the industry and hasn't sold in 20 years.You get live and on-demand training from the best biotech sales reps in the industry with the techniques they use right now to exceed their quota. Master life science selling from the best reps out there.


Mastering Cold Email

Book more meetings with your ideal customers. The modern process to scale cold email and increase your reply rates.

$250 VALUE


30-Day Pipeline Challenge

Book 20 new meetings in the next 30 days. Take the challenge and follow the step by step process to fill your pipeline with quality opportunites.

$250 VALUE


Mastering Technical Sales Discovery

Use the discovery framework to uncover customer problems and impact to create urgency. Ask questions that get your prospects to open up and want to talk to you.

$300 VALUE


Magnetic Messaging

Construct a sales story that attracts your ideal prospects and mobilizes them to take action. Without a strong sales message you'll end up treated a commodity and beaten down on price.

$300 VALUE


Winning Competitive Deals

Displace existing vendors, differentiate your offerings, and win competitive deals through strategic positioning and value creation.

$300 VALUE


Objection Handling

How to push past resistance and overcome objections. Never get tongue tied again. Know exactly what to say and how to say it.

$250 VALUE


The Science of Closing

Defeat the status quo and overcome indecision to win more deals. Learn how to navigate the buying committee, identify champions, build business cases, and handle procurement.

$250 VALUE


Welcome to Sales Crash Course

So you're new to sales and need a quick crash course on everything you need to know. Hit the ground running as fast as possible and avoid common mistakes.

$200 VALUE


Using AI in Sales

AI is taking over the world. Learn how to use it the right way to make you more efficient and effective at your role. AI won't replace sales, but reps that use AI will replace those who don't.

$200 VALUE


Selling Like a Scientist

Use your background as a scientist to make you a better sales rep. Tuen your scientific training into a sales asset

$200 VALUE


10+ More Courses and Live Workshops

Get instant access to all new courses and workshops every single month. Plus, instant access to 10+ other training sessions ranging from prospectin to closing.

$2500+ VALUE


Library of Templates, Cheat Sheets, & Resources to Close More Deals

Get instant access to 100+ templates, cheat sheets, tools, and resources. Things like email templates, sales decks, discovery questions, account planning templates, business case templates, and more...

$400 VALUE


Online Community of Other Life Science Sales Reps

You can post questions, join events, or have discussions on topics covering everything from prospecting and closing to hiring and strategy. A community of life science sales reps who have been there or are doing the same things you are.

$600 VALUE


Personalized Learning Paths

Our team customers will get 1:1 personalized learning paths for each rep based on their specific experience and skill levels. Ditch the "one size fits all" training model and systematically upskill your team.

$1000 VALUE


One on One and Group Coaching

We have weekly group coaching sessions where you can bring your toughest questions and get them answered by the group. If you want 1:1 support, you can reach out directly.

$1200 VALUE

Total Value: $8200

You Get It All For: $79/mo

To make the deal even better, there's a 7 day free trial. What do you have to lose?

But you should
act quickly because we're constantly adding content and improving the platform so there's no guarantee this price will be the same a week from now.

Harrison Waid
Co-Founder, Succession

You could be "one skill away"...

Hi, I’m Harrison Waid, and I’m one of the co-founders of Succession.

The selling environment has changed a lot in the last few years and 100s of high performing sales reps have realized their sales skills need to keep up.

Market conditions have made sales cycles tough and complex.

Buying committees are more risk-averse than ever.

Competitors give steep discounts and cheap alternatives are popping up everywhere.

To make matters worse...

Your company is increasing your targets but isn’t investing in your development the way you need.

This makes it nearly impossible to hit your quota and make enough money to live lifestyle you deserve.

I’ve seen this problem dozens of times with different companies and it’s why I started Succession.

To put the power in your hands to own your future.

You could be "one skill away"...

Improving your skills does't have to be a time consuming laborious process. You could literally be just "one skill away" from breaking through and consistently exceeding quota.

I've personally hired and trained 100s of sales reps and very often, one small tweak, one new piece of information, is all it takes to become a top performing rep.

That’s why I want to give you a free trial of Succession.

So you can see for yourself what 100s of other high performing reps are doing to improve their sales skills, close more deals, and grow their income.

You’ll get access to 100+ hours of training broken into bite sized pieces to fit into your busy schedule.

You’ll get access to templates, cheat sheets, and resources used by the top reps in the industry.

You can tap into the wisdom of other sales reps to figure out the strategies they use to close deals.

This is literally tens of thousands of dollars worth of value that you’ll get for free! Then it’s only $79/mo.

Imagine for less than the price of a coffee a day, you could learn life changing skills that dramatically increase your earning potential.

If you closed just one more large deal per quarter, would it be worth it?

Don't wait for your company to invest in you.

You can buy the skills needed to get your dream income.

The question is, will you pay for them? Or will you keep trying the same things over and over expecting different results?

Now is the time to break out of the cycle and join 100s of other high performing sales reps that have taken their skills and income to life altering levels.

Here's how to get started...

Just click the link below and sign up for your free trial.

From there, you’ll have instant access to everything to start learning and closing more deals almost immediately.

If for some reason you don’t love succession like the 100s of other reps using it, you can cancel anytime, no questions asked.

You only stay a member if you love it.

Click the link below to get started and as a bonus you’ll get a 1:1 meeting with me to ask any questions or learn how to get the most out of the platform.

Talk soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free trial?


Our individual plan has a free 7-day trial so you can give it a try and decide if you like what the community has to offer. If not, you can cancel anytime. No hassle.

Who should sign up?


If you're currently or want to be in sales, business development, or support a sales team and sell solutions to scientists, this community is purpose built for you.

How long do the courses take?


The courses range in length based on the complexity of the topic. Typically they are between 45 min to 2 hrs of content broken up into <10 min bite sized videos. This means you can squeeze in a module on your own time and don't have to complete each course in one sitting.

Can I expense my membership?


Most likely, you can. Here is a template you can send to your boss to get approval.

Many sales teams give their reps education and development stipends.

We price our membership and courses to be affordable enough for you to use your stipend on them.

Can I sign up my whole team?


We have custom plans specific for teams. Check out the FOR TEAMS page and schedule a meeting with us.

Can I become an Ambassador or host my own training?


Absolutely! We are always looking for top talent to share what they know with the community. Just email and let us know what topic you want to train on or why you'd make a great Ambassador.

How is this different than other sales training or communities?


We focus on actionable tactics and strategies you can use right away to close more deals. Plus, you get to learn from the top reps in the industry that using these techniques today!

Most communities and training is based on theory and generalized across industries. As we know, selling to scientists isn't something you can learn from a sales trainer who hasn't sold in 20 years and doesn't know the industry.

Still have questions? Email us at

life science sales toolkit

  • Hit your quota formula: Know exactly how many opportunities and activities you need to hit your quota.
  • 19 Email Frameworks: Get more replies to your outbound emails by using frameworks proven to work
  • 60 Technical Discovery Questions: Drive urgency in your deals through problem identification, root cause analysis, and business impact questions
  • Business Case Template: Enable your champion to sell on your behalf when you can't be in the room
  • Deal Health Checklist: Close your deals on time by answering these questions
  • Closing Process Checklist: Follow the exact steps needed to get your deal over the finish line.
  • End of Quarter Negotiations: Maximize revenue and sanity during these highly stressful moments
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Sales Rep Toolkit

Life-altering skills are just a click away!